Buenos Dias BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Up! Ya’ll Up? #TAYStudios Tuesday

🕶️🤍 I’m Live On TAYsearch TV via The TAYsearch 8.0 App. Yapping About Gilded Hills Book 1 :) I Wrote That Series Over 17yrs Ago.
“Sleeping with that washed rappers stink breath wife is NOT worth the sacrifice. She’s not that girl and you’ll be “heated” with the nothing ass outcome. And she’s not even ya type, so nobody would truly care 😅 You have enough bad🐝’s on ya team. Stop being basic x predictable. Bumpkin🐝 gives brilliant country bee’s a bad name because she’s dumb. And she’s loyal to her abuser/pimp/husband anyway. That revenge will hurt you/us more than it hurtssss him/them. Ugly don’t even like that woman, let alone love her. You being happily married to theee baddest. You being wealthy. You being healthy x handsome is more than enough revenge. 💋” - Excerpt from Gilded Hills, Meet The GG’s Book 1
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