Buenos Dias BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Up! Ya’ll Up? TAYsteTAY Tuesday.

Soooooo Gooood .
🕶️Ya See,This Is Why Nobody Fcks With Israel Like That. An Attack On GAZA During A Cease Fire Is Crazy Work. Even Jews Are Like “WOW That’s Fckd Up, Fck Them Ninjas” #Blocked The USA Needs To Cut All Ties With Israel And Let Them Fight Their Own Fights. They Got Everybody Looking Crazy For Even Helping Them #TooooMuch Enough.
The Prime Minister Of Israel Is Clearly Mentally Ill x Playing By His Own Rules. So Let Him Fight Alone. Supporting Israel Puts Innocent Jews In Danger. Innocent People Should Not Suffer Because The PM Is Mentally x Spiritually ILL. #EFckingNuff
🕶️🤍 New In The TAY TAY Deli Department Of TNY . United Sodas Is Tres Perfecto For Movie Night ParTAYs x BeauTAYful Brunches.