Happy Wealthcare Wednesday BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Prepping For Tomorrow’s OOTD x Doing My Taxes.

🤍🤓The Municipal Library of St. Lazarus, nestled in Lisbon’s historic Arroios district, is a testament to Portugal’s enduring literary tradition. Established in 1883 and housed in a neoclassical building, it was one of the first public libraries in the city. Its serene reading rooms and arched windows provide an inspiring space for study and exploration.
📍 R. do Saco 1, 1150-311 Lisboa, Portugal
Opening Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM, 02:00 PM – 07:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

🕶️🤍 I Loooooove This Album . Tooo Good. Babyface x OVO 40 Should Work On An Album Together. Maybe A Chris Brown Album. Thaaaat Would Be Fueeeeego. 🔥 Elite Street BeauTAYful Musicaaaaa For Life 🤍🤍🤍 Aubs Should Write ✍️ For Said Album. 🎻🎶🤍🤍 #DreamAlbum Jajaja

🕶️🤍 T is For Tea Forte 🫖☕️