Happy Skincare Sunday BeauTAYful TAYsearchersssss

🕶️🤍😇 Florida Was Cute In The 90’s Early 2000’s But It’s A Hard No For Me. Toooo Many Scammers x Tooo Vapid. Cali x Florida x Georgia Had A Good Run. Just Not My Cup A Tea. The Vibe Is Giving Cheap x Dated x Stuck. If It’s Hard To Get Proper P&C In Said State. Imma Have To Say Nooo. It’s Not Personal, It’s P&C . There Are Great People In Those States. And They Deserve Better. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

🕶️🤍😇 Florida accounts for only 9 percent of the country's home insurance claims but 79 percent of its home insurance lawsuits, many of them fraudulent. Because of the fraudulent lawsuits and the high overall claim risk in Florida, insurance companies have faced multiple years with net underwriting losses over $1 billion. It’s a hard no fah me. If people can’t protect their wealth what’s the point of building it? If you want to protect your wealth. Invest in TEXAS. Love MooChaCha, The Princess Of Search. P.S. Nevada is A Great Sate Tooo :)