Happy Mathematical Monday BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Up! Ya’ll Up? #NaturalSauna

🕶️🤍 According To TAYsearch In the first official week of summer, Houston will face high temperatures in the mid 90s with heat index temperatures above 100 degrees every day into July. This is perrrrfect weather for elite street full body skincare routines. Lather up with all your serums x gels x layout on ya terrace or go for a 20min walk. Let that natural sauna do what it do. 🤓 #soooogood #drinkyawater :)

🕶️🤍 #NowTrendingOnTAYsearch MoCRA requires all brands that do an average of $1M in sales or that sell products that commonly come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye (eg. liquid eyeliners, eyeliner pens, and waterline pencil, etc.) to notify their brand and product line to the US FDA

🕶️🤍Please see the informational link below for more information.
Additional Information on MoCRA
More information on MoCRA can be found here: https://www.fda.gov/cosmetics/cosmetics-laws-regulations/modernization-cosmetics-regulation-act-2022-mocra

🕶️🤍 Aspects of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization of Cosmetic Regulation Act (MoCRA) are now coming into effect. This new Act affects the sale of all cosmetic products in the USA regardless of Country of Origin or place of manufacture. 🤓

🕶️🤍🥞 BeauTAYful Brunch Ideas :) Paying Vloggers/Bloggers To Talk About You Like You’re Organically Cool Is Not Modern Marketing. It’s Musty x It’s Not Sustainable.
If You’re Interesting You’ll Get Talked About. Pay/Collab With The Vloggers/Bloggers That Are Truly Interesting x Interested In You. That’s A Money Match Made In Heaven. Being Fake Is Very Expensive x Soooo Not Worth It In This Modern Era 😘😇 #IfItsNotRealItWontSell