Buenos Dias BeauTAYful TAYsearchers! #SelfcareSabado

🕶️ I own about 30 Lanvin blazers and each one has a different detail and fit. L is for Lanvin :)
🕶️ Furniture from RH x a Lizard 🦎 People are so weird. It’s the lying like you know me for me. My body is 1,000% natural. No surgery, filler, filters , fake teef, nothing.
(AMIRA POINTE $698 by Aminah Abdul Jillil 🩰)
🕶️If you knew me you would know that I would NEVER risk my life for vanity. If the gym, garden, x genetics can’t do it. It won’t be done over here. Natural fit healthy bodies will ALWAYS hit harder anyways. 🌹I just treat my body with kindness and it rewards me with being snatched x glowy. It’s an equal give n take. :)
🕶️ This plant is gorgeous :) Looks like leatha.
(This album is so cute #nailshopbopsss)
🕶️Girls that don’t let girls live are the worrrst. You don’t have to love or even like everyone but learn to mind the business that pays you and let the girl that’s living live. Ya low life vibe will leave you stuck x super blocked. 😘😇 #GTFOH