Buenos Dias BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Up! Ya’ll Up :) #SweetSabado

Taysha is a word in the Caddo Native American language meaning “ally” or “friend,” and when translated, also means “Texas. Tejas is the Spanish spelling of a Caddo word Taysha.

🕶️In the 17th century the Spanish knew the westernmost Caddo peoples as "the great kingdom of Tejas" and the name lived on to become the name of the 28th state of the United States—Texas. TAYsha=TEXAS

🕶️🤍 Flat Twists Are Back Like They Never Left . :) Sooo Cute x Perfect For This Heat. It’s The Low Ballerina 🩰 Bun x Messy Twist Fa Me.
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