Buenos Dias BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Up! Ya’ll Up? :)

🕶️ OAT Shabby Chic :) .. This is Literally Everything! #SoPretty ☁️
🕶️ BeauTAYful Brunch Ideas :) #FoodFashion
🕶️✈️ :)
🕶️ The Row x Net-A-Porter Look Cute Together
🕶️ Nails @by_jqueen . If you know you know. If you don’t… TAYsearch it :)
🕶️ If you know me you know I love Snickers. Not like. LOVE. Especially the little mini ones. But this right here taste like Absolutely NOT! It taste nothing like Snickers.
🕶️ I contacted Nestle (the owners of Coffee mate) and asked if they could do a do over jajaja. :) #weshallsee 🧋
🕶️ New Class Alert 🚨 It’s Called Back Express #StretchItApp . Tell ‘Em TAYsesrch Sent Cha :)
🕶️ R is For Rosenthal 🍽️ :) #SaladBowl