Buenos Dias BeauTAYful TAYsearchers. I’m Up! Ya’ll Up? :) #ItsAllABlurTour

🕶️☕️ Williams Sonoma Wish List Vlog is Up! :)
🕶️ Me waiting patiently as the sweet chef at Williams Sonoma prepares the little chicken n waffle samplesssss. :) #SoSweet #IAdoreHer
🕶️ It’s Feet Fashion Friday. What Chall Wearing? :) Right Foot Up Left Foot Slide. Random thought 💭 Some people are so good at saying the EXACT opposite of how they really feel. I just can’t do it. I tried in 2010 and almost died lol. Never again.
🕶️ Lying about how I feel does not work fa me. If I love you’ll know because I’ll alwaaaays find a way to mention ya. If I don’t, who gives af. Move on, and connect to people, places, and products that love ya back. :) #SayNoToFaux
🕶️🩰 TAYsearch Play Honestly Nevermind No Skipsss :) “Make her paint a 6 on ha pinkie toe”
🕶️ $121 TAYsha LipGloss Treatments 4 Us All ? Yes please. :) #EliteStreetSkincare Click The Pic To Purchase. #ExpensiveButWorthIt #LoVe
🕶️ Stop Gossiping and Send Me Ya Empties ♻️ $30 Cashback Per 3 Empties of TAYsha :) It’s a win win win for us all. #sustainableluxury
🕶️🥄 Mickey is a (good) gangsta wealthy mouse, not a dirty desperate cowardly rat 🕶️🤍 Check his resume and put some respect on his name. :) #AmericanIcon #MickeyMouseMagic
🕶️ Disney x Ruffoni = #FoodFashion :) 💫