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🕶️😂 I didn’t have a bad day butttt I still need a bigger OOTD budget tho :) $300k pm is not enough to serve these looks 🥳 Anywho, blog loading🤍 MooChaCha , The Princess of Search.
🕶️🫶🏽🤍 Balmain
🕶️🤍 :)
🕶️🤍🫶🏽 I can’t control nor do I try to control what people do. The only person I control is myself. I’m not a desperate phony saddie pretending to be a baddie. I’m solid x sweet.
🕶️ I’m the real deal and I’m treated as such. If not. I blocks. Nobody is that fly to play in my face. Fck outta here with that weak low self esteem, insecure, PETTY, dusty shit. Phony af. That’s why ya stuck. Stop being phoooooooony. Stop rewarding disloyal losers and trying to hurt people you actually love. Stop trying to control everything. It’s weird😘😇 #Stooopit :) 🤍
🕶️ On a brighter note :) How beauTAYful is this skirt. 🤍 #Balmain Pair with a white tee x go.
🕶️🤍🫶🏽 P is for Pluckers Wing Bar #FoodFashion If you know you know. If you don’t… TAYsearch it 😘😇