Money Green Maang Tikka
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According to Indian culture, the maang tikka gives the bride power, will and wisdom to handle her new journey in life. The maang tikka is also adorned on the bride to protect her from evil eye and any negative energy.
But most essentially the maang tikka signifies union between the bride and the groom. The tikka is placed at the center of the forehead. According to Indian culture, the center of the forehead is believed to be the residing place for the Ajna Chakra- a spot on the woman’s forehead which is the seat of preservation. Traditionally, the chakra is visualized to have two petals where the half-male and half-female androgynous deity Ardhanarishvara resides, this signifies the holy union of male and female, on a spiritual, physical and emotional level.
Apart from all the religious and cultural significance, maang tikka is used for accessorizing our ethnic look and beauty. This gorgeous Indian hair accessory, has earned its rightful place in the fashion world, and has become an extremely coveted wardrobe essential for not just the Indian bride, but for fashionable women globally.